Eat healthy. work happy.
Oh My Green is a leading provider of healthy food and wellbeing services to businesses. I joined Oh My Green in its infancy when it was a 25-person company based in New York and San Francisco. Three years later, as the company grew to over 600 employees nationwide, I helped steer and shape the brand through its accelerated growth.
At the outset, Oh My Green had little beyond a logo and a mission. The company mission, encapsulated by the mantra “Live Bliss,” aimed to empower people to lead healthy and blissful lives. This philosophy, driven by the CEO's vision, emphasized that true bliss could be achieved through nurturing habits of eating well, mindfulness, and conscientious lifestyle choices. We aimed to resonate this message with companies today, where high-quality food and a holistic approach to wellness are vital ingredients in creating a team of happy, thriving employees: Eat healthy. Work happy.
Central to our brand strategy was creating an identity system that could evolve in tandem with our dynamic startup environment while remaining versatile across diverse product lines and categories. We expanded our color palette to include shades of green that were uniquely identifiable in the space, while complementing the brand's qualities. The art direction embraces a zen-like state, with a serene and ethereal aesthetic, and playful illustrations are used to convey information with both reverence and irreverence. We brought this to life across all internal/external touch points; website, uniforms, packaging, digital, retail experience, and marketing.